Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Take Your Bone and Like It!

Wow. Read this.

So many in the media are so quick to point out the errors and corruption of private businesses. Media figures like Bill Gephardt make their living solely from the pursuit of corrupt business practices. These folks tout themselves as "Consumer Advocates".

But who acts as our advocate when the government does us wrong? It seems like our ONLY recourse is with a vote; our only voice is our own. But voting as a means to end government corruption is fickle at best. It seems like being easily corrupted, or "bought", is absolutely necessary for someone pursuing a career in politics. More often than not, our choices at the ballot box amount to "corrupt" or corrupter". Nowadays it seems we are simply voting for the lesser of two evils. But evil is evil, and even if we get there a bit later, we're still going to hell in a handbasket.

There's not a damn thing you or I can do about it.


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